Sunday, October 4, 2009

Regarding the desire to create

There seems to be in some people an insatiable desire to create. Picasso said, "We artists are indestructible, even in a cell or a concentration camp I would be almighty in my own world of art. Even if I had to paint my pictures with my wet tongue on the dusty floor of my cell." That's pretty much what I got from this movie, which I thought was pretty good.

Sometimes I think there is a perception that Men more than Women have that insatiable desire to create. I think sometimes I have that perception. I think its probably not true, but if it was I wonder if it has anything to do with childbirth? What say you?

Also, its rainy today. Anytime it rains I think of the following song and then I think of people running from the rain in slow motion to this song. I think that I saw something like this when I was young and it has stuck with me very strongly. If you know what this is and maybe you saw it too, please let me know. Its ruining my brains trying to think of it.

I remember seeing people in Uganda run from the rain all the time. People are afraid to get wet there. I welcomed it, it was so cooling. Man, that place was hot. And there were lions.


Michelle Christensen said...

I can play this!

Starman said...

I can too. No, I made that up. Also, PROVE IT!