Tuesday, June 5, 2012

This is my Cat Bowie.


 Officially his name is David Bowie. I want to name my first daughter Bowie and if she comes along while I still have this cat, I think we will start calling him David to avoid confusion. Is it bad to name your child after your cat who is named after a musician?

Monday, February 27, 2012

Perfume Genius

This band, Perfume Genius, is all I can listen to. My wife put the song Learning on a mix tape for me right after we met but it didn;t stick until this last week. His new album just released a week or so ago and it's kind of incredible. This is my favorite song from it so far.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

The rains down in Africa

I don't think I will ever really get bored with videos like this

Thursday, January 26, 2012


I'm not a huge Donovan fan, not as much as my wife. But Last night we were able to weasle our way into a show he played with only about 250 in a little room. It was pretty awesome.

Also Rodriguez, from the movie Searching for Sugarman, which I bet we will see in theatres very soon, was pretty awesome. His story is pretty much unbelievable.

We also met this awesome lady from Houston who wrote this article about the concert

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Kodak declared bankruptcy today. That makes me a little bit sad.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Never Ending Story

My wife said about this song, "If there was a dance club in the world of the film Never Ending Story, this is the music that would play there."

It seems natural to picture Atreyu dancing alongside The Childlike Empress with Artax's looking in through a window and nodding his head to the beat.