Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Canis Lupus

I saw the Fantastic Mr. Fox on Friday night, but I was so exhausted that I fell right asleep. I tried to take a nap before the movie but got interrupted by something I had to do. So, I really didn't see it at all, and even if I had stayed awake, I missed the first 15 minutes because of that thing I had to do.
Yesterday I went to see Coco Before Chanel, but we went into Fantastic Mr. Fox instead. About 30 seconds into the film I realized this was absolutely the right decision.
That was perfect and I absolutely loved everything about it. Wes Anderson's films have the interesting quality of often aging in very interesting ways for me. I am constantly reordering his films in my brain as to which ones are the best and which ones I love the most, et cetera. I am sure as I see the film more times I will love new things about it and love it in new ways. I haven't enjoyed seeing something that much in a very long time. I cried during the part with the wolf. I really did. I think its because I really miss one of my friends and I bet that was his favorite part. Also, that part was just perfect and there are those who would have thought it should be cut out because it was not necessary to the story, but it was. It kind of actually was the story. I haven;t read the book in a very long time and don't recall at all if anything like that happened in the book, but either way, it was perfect. Perfect. I rarely use that to describe a film or anything really. But that part of that movie is perfect. The entire movie Rushmore is perfect. The Radiohead show at Bonnaroo was perfect. The Bon Iver show at Gallivan this summer was perfect. Also, there are some people I know that are perfect and they are getting even perfecter.

A quick side-note, the scene where the boy foxes are diving there is a song in the background presumably coming from the Fox's radio. It seems it isn't on the soundtrack to the film. This has always been one of my absolute most favorite songs and I think any romantic inclinations I have come mostly from watching Robin Hood so many times when I was a kid. I think I have literally seen this movie and the original Willy Wonka over a thousand times. That is not an exaggeration. I wore both of those VHS tapes completely out several times.

Yesterday I finished reading Breakfast of Champions. God Bless you Mr. Vonnegut. I miss you and wish you were still here but am kind of glad you don't have to be anymore. I found you a bit late, and I consider you my grandfather. Both of my grandfathers died when I was very young. Grandpa Bisson (AKA Grandpa 'tucky - as in Kentucky - as in he looked like Colonel Sanders AND lived in Kentucky) died when I was 3 and Grandpa Hampton died when I was 6. I don't remember Grandpa Tucky at all but I have many memories of grandpa Hampton. I remember him putting me in the basket of his adult sized tricycle and taking me down to McDonald's and teaching me about Sausage McMuffins. I remember him telling me that sometimes his brains would start for pour out of a hole in his forehead and I had to plug that hole up with my finger anytime he could feel a brain starting to slip out (this confused me very much, but I certainly didn't want my grandfather to continue to lose his brains so I complied.), Anyway, I gotta go, this could go on forever.
Thank you Wes Anderson, Thank you Kurt Vonnegut and thank you friends.

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