Saturday, September 19, 2009

Back Into the Belly of the Beast or: There is a First Time for Everything

The first time I ever got into one of these was also first time I felt completely overwhelmed with fear. I think I was 12 years old. I was fiercely and violently claustrophobic before that, but ever since then (or maybe ever since I was 15 and got licked in a trunk, I won't say by who) I have had to add irrationally to those adverbs. Lately, I have been getting much better at dealing with various stress inducing forces and today I decided to go back to the beginning and begin that fight again. I don't know how (yes I do) but I thoroughly defeated that silly foe.

I also ran into this man who I am quite sure is an oracle of some sort. He gave me a magical power, but I can't tell you which one.


Starman said...

It says "licked" in a trunk. I'm not god at proofreading and I think that once something is "published" it should. For my reader, if you are confused it is supposed to be "locked" but "licked" works too.

pamily said...

marry me and take pictures like these of me and my life until the day i die.