Sunday, September 13, 2009

a carry over

The following is a carry over from somewhere else. I think will fit here nicely in unedited form.


I don;t know where this desire to share beautiful things with people, but i wish it would go away. If I could find it in me, i'd cut it out. I wonder where something like that would hide. And hide it definitely would do because if it was just out in the open it never would survive. Evolutionarily speaking, this little part of me is totally unhelpful, its a parasite. I need chemo therapy to kill it. Hopefully it will die before I do. so dramatic


Unknown said...

Don't kill it! It's one of my favorite things about you!

Starman said...

That's awful nice a you to say.

tiger lily said...

This is a good idea.

tiger lily said...

And when I say, "this is a good idea," I meant... not to cut out whatever, your heart, and die of whatever whatever radiation.... but what I MEANT was this BLOG, is a good idea.