Friday, February 5, 2010

Don't stop me now

I just got done with my first midterm in 3 years.  We were supposed to study a recommended 6-8 hours but I decided to only study 45 minutes.  I missed one out of 54 questions, so I guess that was an okay choice.  I'm bragging.  Whatever.  Now I am going to see The Hurt Locker and eat at The Pi.  Nobody can stop me.

Also, Shostakovich, I think, is the best possible person to listen to while studying.
Also, today in my Logic class my professor said, "I go to be hanged on yonder scaffold." And I thought it was pretty funny, because what he was really doing was acknowledging that his logic was paradoxical, at least I think that's what he meant.  I like it when people just throw out somewhat obscure references references to old books as justification for their actions.  Or something.

1 comment:

Lisa B. said...

congratulations on the lite studying/high performance combo. it's the best.

hurt locker hurt locker hurt locker hurt locker!