Thursday, February 11, 2010


I am getting excited about seeing these kids this weekend.  I think the last of these four songs is my favorite.  I haven't decided which video is my favorite.  The second video is just some fan made thing, so its kinda crappy.

Also, in case you didn't know, its all about guitar solos. On the video just below 1:08-1:35 is the section in question. Don't you dare just fast forward to that part. it's a bad habit to bypass the buildup and skip right to the climax. It makes it cheap and you lose the full effect. If you have to do this for the guitar solo in "Whole Lotta Love" I understand, because those two minutes of buildup are really just nonesense. Led Zeppelin was oversexed and trying to trick us. Also, it's not really ALL about guitar solos.

1 comment:

Lisa B. said...

>>it's a bad habit to bypass the buildup and skip right to the climax.

Okay, then. Good advice. Words to live by.